Quiz: Are You A ‘Stand By Me’ Expert?

Stand By Me, what a classic. There are so many things to love about this movie. The train dash is something to see and these kids are so watchable.

You know what seems crazy though? So many things are so much the same as in 2017. You know what’s equally as crazy? So many things that are vastly different now compared to then.

These days it really goes without saying, that no matter how cliche it is, boys will be boys. It’s just so true.Stand By Me

Boys will always tease each other mercilessly. Brothers will fight with their brothers(as the case may be). This is nothing new. While mid race, Gordy and Chris run and Gordy starts prematurely to win the race. He lost anyhow. Then there are the “Your Momma” jokes. Some things will never change.

Sound familiar? Because this is how kids act, still today. Growing and learning with their friends and their surroundings. Nowadays though, the pace, actions and focus of life sure do seem different. From the “entertainment” to the activities, this is where things have drastically changed in comparison to the 80’s.  

Stand By MeFor instance, the entirety of the movie shows the younger and older “gangs” hanging out. They’re spending time with each other outside and relating to one another. Not inside, hooked to the TV or playing on their phones. Not on the computer staring at the screen or plugged in, therefore tuning out the world. This difference tells the story of life now, that’s for sure.

Other things like when Chris hitchhikes a ride on the way to meet up with the boys. Hitchhiking is definitely not something that happens today like it did in the past. Though this is quite comical because you can see it in so many TV shows and movies from the older decades.

Hanging out and playing cards is becoming less and less of an entertainment form these days too. And when they start on their adventure to go find the missing kid and realize that no one brought food, they scrape together to see how much money they have between the four of them. When they realize they have $2.37 for food Gordy remarks, “That’s not bad.” And  they only spend $1.50 out of their money rations to feed themselves. This is certainly not feasible for this day in age either.

This movie is such a great coming of age story and fun to watch. Think you know every little detail? Take this quiz and test your Stand By Me expertise.

Quiz: Are You A ‘Stand By Me’ Expert?


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Author: Emily Rokke

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