Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Trading Places?

Trading Places tells a story of the Dukes brothers who disagree constantly. They make a $1 bet in attempt to completely ruin Louis Winthor III’s life, however they ruin their own in the process.Trading Places

Want to ruin someone’s life by taking their funds and friends? See what they did to Winthorp.

Want to give someone a “great” life? See what they did for Billy Ray Valentine. After the Dukes destroyed Winthorp’s life, they gave it to Valentine.

Need details? You can systematically ruin or gift someone their life with these actions from the Dukes.

Happens to Winthorp:

  • Beeks frames Winthorp with marked cash as well as a bag that is confirmed by a cop as PCP, Angel Dust.
  • Winthorp is arrested, forced to strip and search his clothes and beat up in jail
  • Penelope bails him out.
  • While walking out of the courthouse, Beeks pays Ofelia to approach him for drugs.
  • Ofelia approaches Louis and Penelope on the way out on the courthouse steps
  • Ofelia takes him to the house and Coleman acts as if he doesn’t know him.
  • The bank repossess’ all his credit cards and won’t give him any of the money in his accounts.
  • Ofelia says she will help him out and he can stay but she wants a five figure payout
  • He talks to his friends at the club. They refuse to help him financially
  • He goes to the pawn shop and the guy offers only $50 for his watch that’s worth $6955. He buys a gun.
  • Well walking in the pouring rain he sees a dinner party he should have been at, but Valentine is there instead.
  • He gets sick with 103 degree temperature and reads about Valentine at the company.
  • He goes to the Christmas party with a gun.
  • Tries to frame Valentine with pills and other drugs. Waves a gun in everyone’s face and runs around screaming.
  • Gets drunk and goes onto the bus and eats Salmon he stole.
  • He steps off the bus and it begins to pour. He attempts to shoot himself in the head and when it doesn’t work he throws the gun which then goes off.

Happens to Valentine:

  • Bailed out of jail and lured into the Dukes car with whiskey and cigars.Trading Places
  • Offered a home, car, bank account, and a job. Valentine is told he is a FREE man or can have the proposed life (Winthorp’s)
  • The Dukes take Valentine to his new house.
  • He goes out to the bar and pays old bar tab plus some, throwing his new money around and making friends.
  • At the house, Valentine throws a huge party.
  • At his new job, he is taught about commodities.
  • After he gets the feel of things, Valentine tells them not to buy pork bellies now because the price is going to fall and saves them a bunch of money
  • He attends a business dinner and gives money advice.
  • Valentine is working on Christmas Eve and catches Louis trying to frame him.

It isn’t until Valentine overhears the Dukes talking that he knows what they did. He approaches Louis who gets on the bus. He has the taxi follow the bus and follows him into Ofelia’s place. They discuss what happened and hatch a plan to get back at the Dukes.

How To Get Payback:

Get rich and put the Dukes in the poor house at the same time? This is the last bet of the movie. Winthorp and Valentine give fake crop results to the Dukes and they lose over $394 million in the market. The Dukes get their assets and life taken away.

Do you remember everything that happened in Trading Places? Take this quiz and see!

Trading Places Quiz

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Author: Emily Rokke

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