Like Totally 80s: Sex on the Beach

The Sex on the Beach drink is celebrating its 30th birthday this year! Created in Florida, in 1987, it’s been a go to cocktail for beach Popular Drinksgoers, college students, and anyone who likes fruity, pretty, boozy drinks.

Like Totally 80s: Sex on the Beach

Sex on the beach was first made by combining peach schnapps with vodka, cranberry juice, and orange juice. Though many varieties now exist, this is the mixture that made it famous.

How do I know? Well, it all dates back to Spring Break of 1987. A bartender named Ted worked at “Confetti’s Bar.” This bar’s distributor just begun to sell Peach Schnapps and they “concocted” a contest. The bar to sell the most peach schnapps would win $1000 and the bartender responsible for all the sales would reap $100 of that prize.

Well, Ted had a shift, and he wanted to win. So he took the new peach liqueur, blended it with some vodka and juices, and alas, a new drink was born.

After creating it, of course people wanted to know what it was called. And Ted came up with a name on the spot. And from then on, it was to be called, Sex on the Beach. To him, this only made sense. He named it after students on their spring break who were looking for two things, well, two things other than this drink.

7b8de2e816820b3cac9360b45a6b550eBecause most people “Spring Break” in different locals, when they returned home and wanted this drink made, other bartenders didn’t know what it was. This is said to be the reason there are so many different combinations, even now.

Other combinations incorporate things like raspberry or melon liqueur. Some people use different juices including pineapple or apple juice. Anyway you mix it, make sure to add a dash of cherry juice, a cherry, and a slice of pineapple. And an umbrella? Too much?

Whether the summer sun is making you sweat, or you wish it was, this tasty tonic is summer in a glass. And you don’t have to be at the beach to enjoy it.


Author: Emily Rokke

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