Thor: Ragnarok Used the 80s Just Like Everyone Else

One thing is definitely for certain, the 80s has never died and it never will. That’s because a large majority of films and overall media have been keeping it relevant over the past decade or so. The new Thor: Ragnarok joined the ranks of IT and Stranger Things is pulling inspiration from the 80s and it seemed to have paid off pretty well.

Thor: Ragnarok Used the 80s Just Like Everyone Else

From the colorful promo posters to Jeff Goldblum’s flashy Grandmaster outfit and synth performance in the film, Thor was all about this 80s influence. Even the overall setting of Sakaar seemed like a combination of Star Wars, Mad Max and Blade Runner all wrapped into one.

The outfits were definitely taken right out of the comic books but did seem to have that flashy flare that the 80s encompassed in many ways. Perhaps the only things that came from another decade is the use of Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song.” While it sounds like an 80s hit, it was actually released in the 70s. However, even in that instant, the track is arguably quite ahead of its time.

We reported that Thor: Ragnarok had been turned into an 80s classic via Nerdist, way before the film released. That was an instant clue as to what fans could expect from the actual film and it really did not disappointed. We love what’s been going on with these films because they draw inspiration from arguably the greatest decade of all. The 80s.

You can catch Thor: Ragnarok in theaters now and judge the 80s influence for yourself.



Author: Navi

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