‘Ready Player One’ Prep, 80s-Style

‘Ready Player One’ Prep, 80s-Style

Whether you’re an 80s fan or a someone born in the decades that followed it, chances are you’re pretty excited for the upcoming Ready Player One film. Why? Well, there are plenty of awesome 80s references that will be in the film. ‘Ready Player One’ Prep, 80s-Style A recent MoviePilot article shared 6 classic 80s films that will help prepare those getting ready for Ready Player One when it hits theaters in...

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The 80s Movies I Grew Up Watching (And Quizzes!)

The 80s Movies I Grew Up Watching (And Quizzes!)

There are two types of people in this world. The ones that like to watch an 80s movies once and the ones that will watch them over and over. My Dad is the latter and so am I. I grew up in the 90s watching 80s movies. I thank him for my love of 80s movies, so many of which, are still my favorites to this day. The 80s Movies I Grew Up Watching (And Quizzes!) Trading Places This movie has you entertained and laughing from start to...

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Josh Brolin Dresses Up As Brand From The Goonies 27 Years Later

Josh Brolin Dresses Up As Brand From The Goonies 27 Years Later

When it comes to an 80s-themed party, finding the perfect costume can be difficult. Not if you’re Josh Brolin. See, the star decided to enlist the help of his wife who gave him the most obvious outfit possible. Brolin dressed up as Brand, his character from the 1985 film The Goonies. Brolin posted a image of him and his wife all ready for the party to Instagram. He gave credit to his wife for coming up with the idea in the...

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Awesome The Goonies Chunk Costume Idea

Awesome The Goonies Chunk Costume Idea

One of the most memorable characters from The Goonies has got to be Chunk. He added the big comedic factor to the film and showed acting skills that were second-to-non for someone his age. So we decided to celebrate his character by putting together this Awesome The Goonies Chunk Costume Idea. Awesome The Goonies Chunk Costume Idea Below With the resurgence of 80s style and the show Stranger Things which has a character named Dustin,...

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Top 5 Movie Bad Guys (and Girls) from the 1980s

Top 5 Movie Bad Guys (and Girls) from the 1980s

By Ryan Zimmerman Hi everyone—this is my first of many, I hope, Top 5 countdowns of various topics from the most beloved decade – the 1980s.   5. Dolph Lundgren as “Ivan Drago” in Rocky IV In 1985, Rocky IV brought us the man-beast known as Ivan Drago. Drago took to the ring and ended Apollo Creed’s career, and life, in an unparalleled beating. Rocky had enough of Drago’s “if he dies, he dies” mentality, and takes him on in a...

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