80s Party Invitation

If you are planning an 80s party, you will need just the right invitations – ones that set a totally awesome tone and will get guests ready to party like it’s, well 1985. We have designed just such invitations for your use. You can print them on your own color printer for free, or you can order them printed on cardstock through our partner, Vista Printing (coming soon). Either way, you’ll have totally fabulous 80s party invitations that’ll be cooler than a new pair of Guess jeans.

Simply choose your design from the like totally awesome samples below and your 80s party planning is off to the right start. NOTE: These 80s party invitation templates are free for your personal use; they are Word files that allow you to simply type in your party information and print. They are not free, however, for commercial use, printing for re-sale, or use of any part of the invitation designs for commercial purposes.

80s party invitation

80s party invitation

80s party invitation
Perfect for an 80s Prom Theme party.

80s party invitation

80s party invitation

To skip the paper and postage and just do the whole inviting online (not 80s at all), you can try this great 80s e-vite.

Author: Pia Sooney

Just a little obsessed with all things 80s, Pia still has her Swatch, her cassette tape collection, and her Converse Chucks. When not making friendship pins or listening to Depeche Mode, she runs a web design business.

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