Netflix Sends Some 80s Love

May 5, 2014

May 1st saw the addition of some great 80s cinema to the streaming catalog on Netflix, including 1987’s “Adventures in Babysitting” (don’t bother denying how much you loved that movie) and 1983’s “The Big Chill.” I wasn’t old enough to appreciate “The Big Chill” in 1983, but now that I am middle-aged myself, it may be time for a re-watch.

Adventures in Babysitting (1987)        The Big Chill (1983)

What’s even more exciting is the addition of not one, not two, but three 80s-era Bond films: “For Your Eyes Only” (1981), “Never Say Never Again” (1983), and “A View to a Kill” (1985). These were the Bond movies that got me hooked on the series. What’s not to love about a high-voltage espionage movie that features not only Grace Jones (she scared the crap out of me) and Christopher Walken, but a theme song by Duran Duran? Now, I know that there may be some Roger-Moore-as-Bond haters out there, but you are wrong. That’s all.

For Your Eyes Only (1981)        Never Say Never Again (1983)        A View to a Kill (1985)

Wait, wait, there’s more. Coming on May 15th, they are adding 1983’s “Eddie Murphy: Delirious.” This was Eddie at his most offensively hilarious—decked head to toe in red leather. I was strictly forbidden from seeing this at the time (being only 12 and all), which made me love it all the more.

Eddie Murphy: Delirious (1983)

It’s time to pop some popcorn, grab a Tab, and let Netflix take you back to the 80s!

Author: Pia Sooney

Just a little obsessed with all things 80s, Pia still has her Swatch, her cassette tape collection, and her Converse Chucks. When not making friendship pins or listening to Depeche Mode, she runs a web design business.

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  1. The 80’s definitely had some great movies. Personally I was a fan of the Star Wars and Indiana Jones flicks but, there were a ton of others that I really enjoyed. I recently re-watched Beverly Hills Cop on Netflix. I forgot how many F bombs are in that movie!

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  2. My family was pretty poor when I was growing up so I saw very few movies in the theatre. Happily, Adventures in Babysitting was one of those films. I saw it with my mother and sister, and the three of us love it to this day.

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