‘Stranger Things’ Brings Back 80s Arcade Games

80s fans now have even more to thank Stranger Things for. The show has now teamed up with mobile gaming to bring an 80s-styled arcade game. It’s going to look a lot like your favorite arcade games from the decade.

‘Stranger Things’ Brings Back 80s Arcade Games

Stranger Things: The Game is a new mobile adventure for iOS and Android that combines retro stylings with characters, settings and stories from the Netflix horror hit ‘Stranger Things.’ And yes, there’s an ’80s arcade-style Eggo waffle waiting for you,” according to CNET.

“The game offers two modes, normal and classic, with the latter described as for ‘experienced players only; it’s like 1984 hard.’ The game kicks off with you playing Chief Hopper. You get a call from Flo telling you four children have gone missing.”

Much like the show, there are plenty of 80s Easter eggs that will pop up including the level called, “The Lost Boys.” The graphics are pretty much like the 8-bit world that 80s games were built in. Don’t expect those crazy Playstation graphics.

CNET has equated the game to The Legend of Zelda in terms of the overall style. When you though Stranger Things couldn’t get any more 80s it manages to surprise you in huge ways. Netflix seems to be really ramping up the 80s nostalgia for the promotional period before the second season of Stranger Things is released later on this month.

So if you’re looking for a new game to play and happen to want a more 8-bit 80s arcade game feel, you may want to check out “Stranger Things: The Game.” The second season of Stranger Things is set to hit Netflix on October 27.

Author: Navi

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