The Ferris Bueller Chase In Spider-Man: Homecoming Is Awesome

If you haven’t seen Spider-Man: Homecoming yet and you’re a fan of the 80s, you may want to visit your local movie theater. While films are starting to take a huge chunk of the decade for inspiration, Spider-Man: Homecoming tastefully borrows one of the most awesome chase scenes from the Ferris Bueller film.

“[The characters] go through this great Ferris Bueller-inspired chase through this neighborhood, where these guys from the Shocker, they got in one good clock. Spider-Man was not expecting that,” said Eric Carroll, when discussing the chase scene a few months back, according to Looper.

“So they get a jump on him, they tear off, and Spider-Man gives [into the] chase. It’s a lot of fun. He’s running through people’s backyards, he’s encountering friendly dogs, things like that. We think it’s going to be one of the signature sequences in the film.”

Not only was this description spot on, the film even used a bit of the music and featured a clip of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off as a little Easter egg. As an 80s fan who does not expect this little slice of the decade in such a film, it was quite the awesome surprise.

Of course this little moment will be overshadowed by the much bigger scenes in the film. However, this will definitely make 80s babies feel a sense of pride.

Ferris Bueller Chase Scene


Author: Navi

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