On This Date In 1985, A Company Registered The First Internet Domain — And You’ve Never Heard Of It


1985 was the birth of the first internet domain. Symbolics.com was pretty big step in a progressive technological advancement. The internet was alive and incredibly rising count of domains will lead you to any site you desire. So, what does Symbolics.com look like today?

“Symbolics.com is owned by a small investor group in Dallas, Texas,” according to Symbolics.

“This site offers unique and interesting facts pertaining to business and Internet history. Symbolics.com was registered on March 15, 1985.”

The site claims that now there are over 275 million domain names in existence so it’s safe to say that the Internet has come a long way. You can now learn interesting facts like Ebay was almost named Echo Bay, however, the name had already been licensed to a mining company. So if you plan on celebrating the first internet domain, be sure you’re ready to learn a ton of interesting facts.

NEXT: A list of the most expensive web domains ever sold

Author: Navi

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